Thursday, April 26, 2007

Khuzhe entire is that

Khuzhe entire is that that I accurately know that Tayler ventured about the mother Of marly. For the first time since 4 to it it

were introduced, Tayler it earns present money. It boards up mandrels. They rang from Nordstroma and ordered two hundred bars of soap for face "taylerovskiy fired sugar" to Christmas. They proposed the wholesale price of twenty dollars for the bar, and money
to that appeared, in order to be aired on Saturday in the evening. To make gas heating. To descend to the dances. If we would
have enough money to everything, 4 it would leave from the work. Tayler acts under the signboard "soap factory on the paper street". They indicate that better than the soap no one saw never. Gorazdo worse would be, says Tayler, if you randomly ate the mother Of Chut' without having choked by the hen "gun'-bao", which I chewed, I ordered Tayleru to be Etu the subbotnyuyu night we carry out on the front seat of "impaly" of the issue 1968, which stands on the hitching post on
the gone down tires on parking for the used vehicles. We stir with Taylerom, drink beer out of the jars, and to us it is comfortable
on the front seat of "impaly", since it is more spacious than the sofas, which the majority of people can themselves allow. In this
part of the city parkings occupied almost all streets. The merchants of automobiles call machines in this state by "sprats": they all
cost on two hundred dollars, and it is possible to in the daytime purchase them from the gipsy fellows, who hold this trade.
Gipsies stand near the doors of the plywood booths, where they have office, and long, thin cigars smoke. Takiye machines love to buy senior pupils, in order to break them into the rubbish and it is more already not about which not to
be disturbed. "gremliny", "peysery", "maveriki" and "Hornets", "pint", pick-ups "International Kharvester", opened "kamaro",

"dastery" and "impaly". The machines, which their owners once loved, and then rejected. Animals on the watering. Brides,

dressed in the dresses from "gudsvilla". With the black, red and gray bumpers, with the growth on the bottom, which already no

one will begin never to scratch off from the cleansing blower. Finishing the salon: plastic under the tree, the plastic under the skin

and the plastic under chromium. On the night the gipsies even do not lock the door of these machines.
Fary of the machines, which pass along the avenue, luminesce for a moment the price, written on the enormous as the screen

of panoramic cinema, wind glass of "impaly". This America. Price ninety eight dollars. From within this looks like eighty nine

cents. Zero, zero, point, eight, nine. You will ring America according to this number.
Bol'shinstvo of machines here cost not more than hundred dollars and in all in them on the wind glass is stuck sale condition:

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